Imagine you’re visiting your dad’s family at Christmas. Imagine you have a 5-year-old brother to entertain. Imagine he invites you, a 29-year-old, to play something he calls Axe Cop. You go for it and suddenly you’re the one who’s being entertained. If you’re Ethan Nicolle, a comic book artist, you can’t resist drawing your little brother’s stories. You call it (what else?) Axe Cop, you put it on the web and go to bed. You wake up the next day and your accidental axe-wielding crime-fighter is now an overnight hit. What now?
The Axe Cop Doc is a documentary film that answers the question “what now?” Filming since 2010 and with the full collaboration of the Nicolle family, we journey with Ethan and Malachai from the early days of their accidental creation of Axe Cop to their latest coup: an Axe Cop TV show at Fox. At its heart, this is a story about family, about brothers, and the perks and perils of unexpected fame. You think you know the story of Ethan and Malachai, but that was only the beginning.